You can get simple and understandable steps to convert HTML to MS Word documents using PHP. Before we move into the conversion that can be done using PHP, let’s have a brief look at PHP.
You can get simple and understandable steps to convert HTML to MS Word documents using PHP. Before we move into the conversion that can be done using PHP, let’s have a brief look at PHP.
You can get simple and understandable steps to easily configure .htaccess file. Before we move into the code that can be done using .htaccess , let’s have a brief look .htaccess file. htaccess redirect rule to redirect your site.
Htaccess is a configuration file used on web servers. Htaccess file used for running the Apache Web Server software to enable/disable the functionality of the Apache Web Server, .htaccess file is loaded into a directory of Apache Web Server software. Also, the functionality of .htaccess file directories can be accessed by the web servers to perform its operations.
There are N number of functionalities can be done through .htaccess files, which are explained below with their coding part. Let’s familiar the most commonly used and important functionalities of .htaccess file system.
htaccess is a powerful Apache configuration
In this article, I will help you to setup FTP with FileZilla on google cloud to manage your files. You can connect, transfer and edit files on your VM Instance remotely. You can get simple and understandable steps to setup FileZilla on google cloud. Let’s have a brief look on PuTTY.
Install PuTTYgen – We need to install PuTTYgen on our system. If you are working with Ubuntu you can check out our article How to Install PuTTY on Ubuntu Linux
Using PuTTY you can generate SSH Key. You can use this application to generate a private and public key pair in order to encrypt the connection between your Google Cloud instance and FileZilla.
Install FileZilla – We need to install FileZilla
You can get simple and understandable steps to install PuTTY on Ubuntu. Before we move into the installation, let’s have a brief look on PuTTY.
PuTTY is a very useful tool for remote access to server. PuTTY is the most popular SSH client toll. it is not only limited to the Windows operating system. You can also use this on Linux and macOS.
PuTTY supports many protocols such as SSH, SFTP, serial, Telnet, rlogin, SCP, etc. the PuTTY SFTP client used to securely transfer files between client computers with the SSH connection Learn Mor About Putty.
You can get simple and understandable steps to Install Node.js on CentOS 7. Before we move into the installation, let’s have a brief look on Node.js.
Let me tell you. Node.js is an open-source tool. In the Server, Java-script is used in Node.js. Node.js can be used on multiple platforms like Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc., It is designed to build scalable network applications. it can be used to develop scalable systems, because of its non-blocking feature. Node.js is an efficient and easy than a traditional web server model.
CentOS is a Community Enterprise Operating System. It is an open-source platform for non-productive developmental work. For production concern, those works can be migrated to RHEL (Payable) Linux distribution platform.
Let’s have a quick look on Node.js features and versions available!!!You can get simple and understandable steps to install phpMyAdmin on CentOS. Before we move into the installation, let’s have a brief look on phpMyAdmin.
Let me tell you. phpMyAdmin is an open-source tool, which used to administrate MySQL over the web interface. phpMyAdmin is also used in MariaDB Database Management. phpMyAdmin is a GUI (Graphical User Interface ) based application. phpMyAdmin is available in 79 languages.
CentOS is a Community Enterprise Operating System. It is an open-source platform for non-productive developmental work. For production concern, those works can be migrated to RHEL (Payable) Linux distribution platform.
Let’s have a quick look on phpMyAdmin features and versions available !!!
You can get simple and understandable steps to install MySQL on CentOS. Before we move into the installation, let’s have a brief look on the MySQL.
If you don’t have installed PHP on CentOS 7 you can install one by following These Instructions.
Let me tell you. MySQL open-source tool and Database Management System. MySQL is a fast, stable, true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. Apart from the free edition, MySQL also offers other services like MySQL Enterprise Edition, MySQL Cluster CGE, Oracle MySQL Cloud Service and MySQL for OEM/ISV.
Drupal, Joomla, phpBB, and WordPress are some examples of MySQL database-driven web application. Facebook, Flickr
Postman is a most widely used API development environment that helps you to manage your APIs in every place of development from testing and debugging your APIs.
Makes API development easier,faster and better. Postman started as a Chrome Extension and quickly become one of the most used and popular API development tools by developers all over the world.
The Postman is available as a native app for macOS, Linux, and Windows. Although it is possible to install and use Postman as a Chrome app, You may have seen the yellow warning on the Postman Chrome app indicating that Google is deprecated Chrome apps.
Simple three steps to install Postman on Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04 using the Snap package.
You can get simple and understandable steps to install apache on centos. Before we move into the installation, let’s have a brief look on APACHE WEB SERVER.
What is this Apache Web Server? Let me tell you. Apache Web Server was an open-source web server, widely used for websites because it is having the best compatibility with any website or software packages. Multiple websites can be served through virtual hosting by a single Apache installation.
CentOS is a Community Enterprise Operating System. It is an open-source platform for non-productive developmental work. For production concern, those works can be migrated to RHEL (Payable) Linux distribution platform.
Let’s have a quick look on Apache Web Server features and versions available.
You can get simple and understandable steps to install PHP on CentOS. Before we move into the installation, let’s have a brief look on PHP.
What is this PHP? Let me tell you. PHP means Hypertext Processor, which is a programming language for web development. You can create dynamic web page contents or images as you wish.
CentOS is a Community Enterprise Operating System. It is an open-source platform for non-productive developmental work. For production concern, those works can be migrated to RHEL (Payable) Linux distribution platform.
For now, we can focus on PHP 5.6, which will be the basic version widely used. Later will explain to you how to install any version of PHP on CentOS.