Firebase Server Key is used to send push notifications to Android devices and this Server API Key to identify your firebase app. Let’s Generate a Firebase Server Key

Create a Firebase project and Get your Server Key

1) Login to the Firebase Developer Console and if you haven’t created a project yet, click “Create Project”.

Create New Project in Firebase
Create New Project in Firebase

2) Enter a project name, accept the firebase terms and press “CREATE PROJECT”.

Enter Project Name in Firebase
Enter Project Name in Firebase

3) Does setup google analytics for your project? select “Not Right Now” and press “CREATE PROJECT”.

Does Not Setup Google Analytics Right Now
Does Not Setup Google Analytics Right Now

4) The project will be created and you get the message “Your new project is ready”, press the “Continue” button to redirect your project dashboard page.

Continue to Firebase Dashboard
Continue to Firebase Dashboard

5) On the dashboard page click the Gear icon in the top left and select “Project settings”.

Project Setting In Firebase
Project Setting In Firebase

6) Go to the “Cloud Messaging Section” section and you will have the Server Key.

Get Your Firebase Server Key
Get Your Firebase Server Key

7) Done! 😀
I hope you successfully Generate a Firebase Server Key
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